Congratulations to both Goal Miners and Underground for winning the Spring 2015 Team Sportsmanship Award! The votes were tied and each team has won a $50 credit towards their dues next season! And, a nod of appreciation to Moscow Mules who came in a very close 2nd! Thank you all for helping to make our League such a nice place to spend a Sunday!
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VENUE CHANGE – Spring 2015 League Party!
Hey Peeps! We have a VENUE CHANGE for this season’s League Party! Be sure to pass the word around to all of your teammates! The Spring 2015 League Party will now be at Baker Street Pub & Grill located at 8101 E. Belleview Ave., Denver, CO 80237. Same date and time… This Sunday, June 14th from 5-8pm, right after the Semi’s & Finals! There will be lots of yummy food and drink! And, of course, we will still be announcing the winners of the Spring Awards! Hope to see you all there!
Games Cancelled for May 10th, 2015
Due to extreme wet field conditions, and the chance of more rain/snow overnight, there will be no games on May 10th in order to protect the grass field from being damaged. Play will resume May 17th. Please check ‘Upcoming Matchups’ on the front page of the website for updates to the schedule from now until the end of the season.
Games Cancelled for April 19th, 2015
Due to ongoing wet field conditions, and the chance of more rain/snow overnight, there will be no games on April 19th in order to protect the grass field from being damaged. Play will resume April 26th as scheduled, and games from April 19th will be played on May 17th at the end of the regular season. Playoffs, Semi-Finals, and Finals will be pushed one week out to May 31st, June 7th and June 14th, respectively.
Spring Season 2015… Yay!
Feeling cooped up over the long winter? Worry not, soccer time is around the corner! Spring season starts Sunday, March 22nd! Time to dust off your gear and start getting in shape so your teammates don’t poke fun! See you on the pitch!